Transaction Alerts

Transaction Alerts

The use of QR codes by corporates to simplify the shopping experience for their customers is increasingly common. However, building, implementing and managing QR Code technology is complex and expensive.

What is HSBC Transaction Alert?

Partnering with local fintech Plus IT, HSBC Transact Alert offers corporates in Thailand a mobile-based, on-the-go QR generation, management and payment notification platform. It facilitates real-time collections and notifications for incoming funds at points of sale.

HSBC is one of the first international banks in Thailand to offer this API based self-service mobile application.

Who is this for?

  • Businesses that provide services/goods to a large group of individual customers that need real-time payment confirmation to complete transaction flows

Key Benefits

  • Enable real-time transaction alerts to ensure payments have been received
  • Reduce sales turnaround time
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Reduce payment errors
  • Simplify reconciliation


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